Social science research on the destabilisation and phase-out of socio-technical systems
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Selected references on destabilisation
Andersen, A.D., Gulbrandsen, M., 2020. The innovation and industry dynamics of technology phase-out in sustainability transitions: Insights from diversifying petroleum technology suppliers in Norway. Energy Research and Social Science 64, 101447.
Arthur, W.B., 1989. Competing technologies, increasing returns, and lock-in by historical events. The Economic Journal 99, 116–131.
Avelino, F., Rotmans, J., 2009. Power in transition: An interdisciplinary framework to study power in relation to structural change. European Journal of Social Theory 12, 543–569.
Bergek, A., Berggren, C., Magnusson, T., Hobday, M., 2013. Technological discontinuities and the challenge for incumbent firms: Destruction, disruption or creative accumulation? Research Policy 42, 1210–1224.
Berggren, C., Magnusson, T., Sushandoyo, D., 2015. Transition pathways revisited: Established firms as multi-level actors in the heavy vehicle industry. Research Policy 44, 1017–1028.
Blažek, J., Květoň, V., Baumgartinger-Seiringer, S., Trippl, M., 2020. The dark side of regional industrial path development: towards a typology of trajectories of decline. European Planning Studies 28, 1455–1473.
Bohnsack, R., Kolk, A., Pinkse, J., Bidmon, C., 2020. Driving the electric bandwagon: The dynamics of incumbents’ sustainable product innovation. Business Strategy and the Environment 29, 727–743.
Borrás, S., Edler, J. (Eds.), 2014. The governance of socio-technical systems: Explaining change. Edward Elgar Publishing, Northampton, MA.
Cowie, J., Heathcott, J., 2003. The meanings of deindustrialization, in: Cowie, J., Heathcott, J. (Eds.), Beyond the Ruins: The Meanings of Deindustrialization. ILR Press, Ithaca, NY, pp. 1–15.
David, M., 2018. The role of organized publics in articulating the exnovation of fossil-fuel technologies for intra- and intergenerational energy justice in energy transitions. Applied Energy 228, 339–350.
David, M., 2017. Moving beyond the heuristic of creative destruction: Targeting exnovation with policy mixes for energy transitions. Energy Research and Social Science 33, 138–146.
Davidson, D.J., 2019. Exnovating for a renewable energy transition. Nature Energy 4, 254–256.
Dijk, M., Wells, P., Kemp, R., 2016. Will the momentum of the electric car last? Testing an hypothesis on disruptive innovation. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 105, 77–88.
Elliott, R., 2018. The sociology of climate change as a sociology of loss. Archives Europeennes de Sociologie 59, 301–337.
Geels, F.W., 2004. From sectoral systems of innovation to socio-technical systems: Insights about dynamics and change from sociology and institutional theory. Research Policy 33, 897–920.
Geels, F.W., 2014. Regime Resistance against Low-Carbon Transitions: Introducing Politics and Power into the Multi-Level Perspective. Theory, Culture & Society 31, 21–40.
Geels, F.W., 2014. Reconceptualising the co-evolution of firms-in-industries and their environments: Developing an inter-disciplinary Triple Embeddedness Framework. Research Policy 43, 261–277.
Goulet, F., Vinck, D., 2017. Moving towards innovation through withdrawal: The neglect of destruction, in: Godin, B., Vinck, D. (Eds.), Critical Studies of Innovation: Alternative Approaches to the Pro-Innovation Bias. Edward Elgar, pp. 97–114.
Hambrick, D.C., D’Aveni, R.A., 1988. Large Corporate Failures as Downward Spirals. Administrative Science Quarterly 33, 1–23.
Hassink, R., 2010. Locked in decline? On the role of regional lock-ins in old industrial areas. The Handbook of Evolutionary Economic Geography 450–470.
Hassink, R., Isaksen, A., Trippl, M., 2019. Towards a comprehensive understanding of new regional industrial path development. Regional Studies 53, 1636–1645.
Hay, C., 2004. Review: Ideas, interests and institutions in the comparative political economy of great transformations. Review of International Political Economy 11, 204–226.
Haydu, J., 2010. Reversals of fortune: Path dependency, problem solving, and temporal cases. Theory and Society 39, 25–48.
Heffron, R.J., Mccauley, D., 2018. Geoforum What is the ‘Just Transition’ ? Geoforum 88, 74–77.
Hess, D.J., 2019. Incumbent-led transitions and civil society: Autonomous vehicle policy and consumer organizations in the United States. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 151, 119825.
Heyen, D.A., Hermwille, L., Wehnert, T., 2017. Out of the Comfort Zone! Governing the Exnovation of Unsustainable Technologies and Practices Innovations. GAIA 26, 326–331.
Hoffmann, S., Weyer, J., Longen, J., 2017. Discontinuation of the automobility regime? An integrated approach to multi-level governance. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 103, 391–408.
Hörisch, J., 2018. How business actors can contribute to sustainability transitions: A case study on the ongoing animal welfare transition in the German egg industry. Journal of Cleaner Production 201, 1155–1165.
Isoaho, K., Markard, J., 2020. The Politics of Technology Decline: Discursive Struggles over Coal Phase-Out in the UK. Review of Policy Research 37, 342–368.
Jasanoff, S., 2018. Just transitions: A humble approach to global energy futures. Energy Research and Social Science 35, 11–14.
Johnstone, P., Hielscher, S., 2017. Phasing out coal, sustaining coal communities? Living with technological decline in sustainability pathways. Extractive Industries and Society 4, 457–461.
Johnstone, P., Stirling, A., 2020. Comparing nuclear trajectories in Germany and the United Kingdom: From regimes to democracies in sociotechnical transitions and discontinuities. Energy Research and Social Science 59, 101245.
Johnstone, P., Stirling, A., Sovacool, B., 2017. Policy mixes for incumbency: Exploring the destructive recreation of renewable energy, shale gas ‘fracking,’ and nuclear power in the United Kingdom. Energy Research and Social Science 33, 147–162.
Joly, P.-B., 2019. Reimagining Innovation, in: Lechevalier, S. (Ed.), Innovation Beyond Technology: Science for Society and Interdisciplinary Approaches. Springer, pp. 25–45.
Joly, P.-B., Barbier, M., Turnheim, B., 2022. Gouverner l’arrêt des grands systèmes sociotechniques, In: Goulet, F., Vinck, D. (Eds.), Faire sans, faire avec moins, Les nouveaux horizons de l’innovation, Paris, Presses des Mines, Collection Sciences sociales, 35-49.
Kern, F., 2011. Ideas, institutions, and interests: Explaining policy divergence in fostering “system innovations” towards sustainability. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 29, 1116–1134.
Kivimaa, P., Kern, F., 2016. Creative destruction or mere niche support? Innovation policy mixes for sustainability transitions. Research Policy 45, 205–217.
Klitkou, A., Bolwig, S., Hansen, T., Wessberg, N., 2015. The role of lock-in mechanisms in transition processes: The case of energy for road transport. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 16, 22–37.
Kungl, G., 2015. Stewards or sticklers for change? Incumbent energy providers and the politics of the German energy transition. Energy Research and Social Science 8, 13–23.
Kungl, G., Geels, F.W., 2018. Sequence and alignment of external pressures in industry destabilisation: Understanding the downfall of incumbent utilities in the German energy transition (1998–2015). Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 26, 78–100.
Langhelle, O., Meadowcroft, J., Rosenbloom, D., 2019. Politics and technology: Deploying the state to accelerate socio-technical transitions for sustainability, in: Meadowcroft, J., Banister, D., Holden, E., Langhelle, O., Linnerud, K. (Eds.), What Next for Sustainable Development?: Our Common Future at Thirty. Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 239–259.
Lee, D., Hess, D.J., 2019. Incumbent resistance and the solar transition: Changing opportunity structures and framing strategies. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 0–1.
Lockwood, M., Mitchell, C., Hoggett, R., 2020. Incumbent lobbying as a barrier to forward-looking regulation: The case of demand-side response in the GB capacity market for electricity. Energy Policy 140, 111426.
Lockwood, M., Mitchell, C., Hoggett, R., 2019. Unpacking ‘regime resistance’ in low-carbon transitions: The case of the British Capacity Market. Energy Research and Social Science 58, 101278.
MacKinnon, D., Dawley, S., Pike, A., Cumbers, A., 2019. Rethinking Path Creation: A Geographical Political Economy Approach. Economic Geography 95, 113–135.
Mahoney, J., 2000. Path dependence in historical sociology. Theory and Society 29, 507–548.
Markard, J., 2018. The next phase of the energy transition and its implications for Research and Policy. Nature Energy.
Martin, R., 2010. Roepke lecture in economic geography-Rethinking regional path dependence: Beyond lock-in to evolution. Economic Geography 86, 1–27.
Martínez Arranz, A., 2017. Lessons from the past for sustainability transitions? A meta-analysis of socio-technical studies. Global Environmental Change 44, 125–143.
Newell, P., Simms, A., 2020. How Did We Do That? Histories and Political Economies of Rapid and Just Transitions. New Political Economy 1–16.
Newig, J., Derwort, P., Jager, N.W., 2019. Sustainability through institutional failure and decline? Archetypes of productive pathways. Ecology and Society 24, 18–31.
Normann, H.E., 2019. Conditions for the deliberate destabilisation of established industries: Lessons from U.S. tobacco control policy and the closure of Dutch coal mines. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 33, 102–114.
Ottosson, M., Magnusson, T., 2013. Socio-technical regimes and heterogeneous capabilities: The Swedish pulp and paper industry’s response to energy policies. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management 25, 355–368.
Phelps, N.A., Atienza, M., Arias, M., 2018. An invitation to the dark side of economic geography. Environment and Planning A 50, 236–244.
Pierson, P., 2000. Increasing Returns , Path Dependence , and the Study of Politics. The American Political Science Review 94, 251–267.
Roberts, C., Geels, F.W., Lockwood, M., Newell, P., Schmitz, H., Turnheim, B., Jordan, A., 2018. The politics of accelerating low-carbon transitions: Towards a new research agenda. Energy Research and Social Science 44, 304–311.
Rodríguez-Pose, A., 2018. Commentary: The revenge of the places that don’t matter (and what to do about it). Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 11, 189–209.
Rogge, K.S., Johnstone, P., 2017. Exploring the role of phase-out policies for low-carbon energy transitions: The case of the German Energiewende. Energy Research and Social Science 33, 128–137.
Rogge, K.S., Reichardt, K., 2016. Policy mixes for sustainability transitions: An extended concept and framework for analysis. Research Policy 45, 1620–1635.
Rosenbloom, D., Rinscheid, A., 2020. Deliberate decline: An emerging frontier for the study and practice of decarbonization. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 1–20.
Seto, K.C., Davis, S.J., Mitchell, R., Stokes, E.C., Unruh, G., Ürge-Vorsatz, D., 2016. Carbon Lock-In: Types, Causes, and Policy Implications. Annual Review of Environment and Resources.
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Sillak, S., Kanger, L., 2020. Global pressures vs. local embeddedness: the de- and restabilization of the Estonian oil shale industry in response to climate change (1995–2016). Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 34, 96–115.
Smink, M.M., Hekkert, M.P., Negro, S.O., 2015. Keeping sustainable innovation on a leash? Exploring incumbents’ institutional strategies. Business Strategy and the Environment 24, 86–101.
Smith, A., Stirling, A., 2007. Moving outside or inside? Objectification and reflexivity in the governance of socio-technical systems. Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning 9, 351–373.
Smith, A., Stirling, A., Berkhout, F., 2005. The governance of sustainable socio-technical transitions. Research Policy 34, 1491–1510.
Späth, P., Rohracher, H., Von Radecki, A., 2016. Incumbent actors as niche agents: The German Car Industry and the Taming of the “Stuttgart E-Mobility Region.” Sustainability (Switzerland) 8.
Spencer, T., Colombier, M., Sartor, O., Garg, A., Tiwari, V., Burton, J., Caetano, T., Green, F., Teng, F., Wiseman, J., 2018. The 1.5°C target and coal sector transition: at the limits of societal feasibility. Climate Policy 18, 335–351.
Steen, M., Weaver, T., 2017. Incumbents’ diversification and cross-sectorial energy industry dynamics. Research Policy 46, 1071–1086.
Stegmaier, P., Kuhlmann, S., Visser, V.R., others, 2014. The discontinuation of socio-technical systems as a governance problem, in: Edler, J., Borrás, S. (Eds.), The Governance of Systems Change: Explaining Change. pp. 111–131.
Stirling, A., 2019. How deep is incumbency ? A ‘configuring fields’ approach to redistributing and reorienting power in socio-material change. Energy Research & Social Science 58, 101239.
Strangleman, T., 2017. Deindustrialisation and the Historical Sociological Imagination: Making Sense of Work and Industrial Change. Sociology 51, 466–482.
Streeck, W., Thelen, K. (Eds.), 2005. Beyond Continuity: Institutional Change in Advanced Political Economies. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
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Turnheim, B., 2012. The destabilisation of existing regimes in socio-technical transitions: theoretical explorations and in-depth case studies of the British coal industry (1880-2011). University of Sussex.
Turnheim, B., Geels, F.W., 2013. The destabilisation of existing regimes: Confronting a multi-dimensional framework with a case study of the British coal industry (1913-1967). Research Policy 42, 1749–1767.
Turnheim, B., Geels, F.W., 2012. Regime destabilisation as the flipside of energy transitions: Lessons from the history of the British coal industry (1913-1997). Energy Policy 50, 35–49.
Turnheim, B., Sovacool, B.K., 2020. Forever stuck in old ways? Pluralising incumbencies in sustainability transitions. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 35, 180–184.
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Unruh, G.C., 2002. Escaping carbon lock-in. Energy Policy 30, 317–325.
Unruh, G.C., 2000. Understanding carbon lock-in. Energy Policy 28, 817–830.
van Mossel, A., van Rijnsoever, F.J., Hekkert, M.P., 2018. Navigators through the storm: A review of organization theories and the behavior of incumbent firms during transitions. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 26, 44–63.
Vögele, S., Kunz, P., Rübbelke, D., Stahlke, T., 2018. Transformation pathways of phasing out coal-fired power plants in Germany. Energy, Sustainability and Society 8.
Vona, F., 2019. Job losses and political acceptability of climate policies: why the ‘job-killing’ argument is so persistent and how to overturn it. Climate Policy 19, 524–532.
Walker, W., 2000. Entrapment in large technology systems: Institutional commitments and power relations. Research Policy 29, 833–846.
Wells, P., Nieuwenhuis, P., 2012. Transition failure: Understanding continuity in the automotive industry. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 79, 1681–1692.
Winskel, M., 2018. Beyond the disruption narrative: Varieties and ambiguities of energy system change. Energy Research and Social Science 37, 232–237.
Yazar, M., Hestad, D., Mangalagiu, D., Ma, Y., Thornton, T.F., Saysel, A.K., Zhu, D., 2020. Enabling environments for regime destabilization towards sustainable urban transitions in megacities: comparing Shanghai and Istanbul. Climatic Change.